Well guys, today’s post is dedicated to world’s most asked question i.e does aliens and UFOs exist or not? So, here we go.
Aliens and UFOs
There are many studies conducted around the world onthe existence of Aliens and UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects). Human beings are always curious to know if there is any life beyond planet earth, or earth is the only planet holding life in the entire galaxy. As such, the existence of Aliens and UFOs has always been a debatable subject. This subject has found favor with many film makers and authors and the many movies made and books written (depicting aliens and UFOs) are a testament to this fact.
Several people claim to have seen aliens and likewise there have been many instances of UFO sightings in different parts of the world. The etchings found on walls of caves related to aliens resemble with the description provided by witnesses who claimed to have seen them.
Former NASA astronaut Edgar Mitchell who was part of the 1971 Apollo 14 moon mission has claimed in a talk to the fifth annual X-Conference around existence of UFOs. He has supported the fact that – we are not alone and we are visited by aliens.
UFO Witnesses:
Image credit: Flickr Markusram
July 1947
A huge thunderstorm filled the night sky after a hot and humid afternoon. This whole event was witnessed by sheep farmer Mac Brazel. He heard bizarre sound which was extremely loud and appeared as a crash sound. The next day in the morning he found his land was covered with debris which was unusual in appearance.
This debris was later submitted to Roswell N M authorities. A press statement was released by Roswell Air Force base that they had a ‘Flying Disc/UFO’ in its possession. All the debris was removed and was taken to Air Force Headquarters in Ft. Worth, Texas Further, there was news related to Roswell Air Force base ordering four small sized hermetically sealed coffins which carried aliens after autopsy was performed over them.
The nurse who disclosed this secret was later transferred from the base. Many people reported to have witnessed the UFO wreckage and alien bodies. The wreckage and alien bodies were stored at Roswell temporarily and later were flown to Wright-Patterson field in Ohio.
The debate regarding aliens and UFOS existence will continue until there is solid evidence to prove their existence. As we are building ships to discover the galaxy and explore the unknown maybe the other part of universe is also trying to contact us ….we have to just wait and watch to get the answer to this unanswered question – Aliens and UFOs ..do they exist?
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